Saturday, November 8, 2014

What to expect in the upcoming weeks...

Short post today. I have been so focused on my Bharatanatyam dancing I nearly forgot about my big YOGA training.  A few days ago my yoga program, Samyak Yoga,  closed registration and emailed all the attendants of the December Ashtanga course in Kovalam. This mass email was to provide last minuete information, but also to encourage connection and introductions to the participants. I jumped right out of the gate to introduce myself and linked my FB page.

So far, a few have responded and introduced themselves also. This class will be 15 selected people from all over the world united in the focus to establish sound training in Ashtaga Yogic practices. Most of these participants will be well-fit Yogis. Ha..I will not be. I will stuff aside that ego, the creeping self doubt, and open my heart and mind to learn from their vast experience. This class is going to be extraordinary. Can't wait.

I am not sure what the internet/wifi situation will be in the yoga shala. I also not sure yet of the workload. I am anticipating lots of busy study and testing. I may not be posting often once I reach Kovalam and the yoga training.We shall see.

I will complete my Bharatanatyam training on 11/24, then I fly the next day to Delhi to meet up with some of the coolest people I know to celebrate Nishant's wedding. Should be a blast - The Minneapolis crew will unite in Delhi. *Cue big Bollywood entrances, fireworks, and sprays of doves*

Christy and Nishant are well aquinted with parties -
here is me with the groom at the Tomatino festival.
Good times!
Once I recover from what I can only describe will be a 5 day festival of drinking, dancing and sequins stuck to my sweaty ass. It is off to yoga training. Once there, I will quickly detox the wedding and learn to focus and let my yoga develop.  Pretty cool stuff-a comin' - can't hardly wait.

I'll leave this post with some Hard Kaur videos in dedication to the party to come!!
She's one of my favorite artists! 

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